W księgarni Muzuem na Majdanku dostępna jest publikacja, w której opisane zostały badania dotyczące topografii obozów w Trawnikach. Zapraszamy do zapoznania się z opracowaniem w wersji angielskiej.
Źródło: Państwowe Muzeum na Majdanku
We are glad to announce that our latest book project has been accomplished. “The Infrastructure of Operation Reinhardt” is now available to the English-speaking readers and you can find it in our bookstore: https://ksiegarnia.majdanek.eu/…/236-the-infrastructure…
The book constitutes an analysis of the largest genocidal operation of World War II codenamed “Einsatz Reinhardt” from the perspective of its infrastructure and the functioning of the mass extermination apparatus. Analysing the Holocaust from this angle is vital for the sake of restoring and sustaining the collective and spatially-anchored memory of the victims, particularly within the context of local communities.
The new tome stems from the academic conference held by the State Museum at Majdanek and is an attempt to emphasise the significance of infrastructural aspect in the persecutions, exploitation, and extermination of Jews in the General Government perpetrated within the framework of operation codenamed “Einsatz Reinhardt.”